Saturday, March 27, 2010


Candidates campaigning for all public offices run the risk that one unforeseen comment or event can destroy an otherwise promising outcome on election day. These tipping points, better known as CAMPAIGN GAFFES, are as unpredictable as they are devastating.

Take for example the following exchange on Facebook last week between myself and Bill Russell, who recently lost the Republican nomination to Tim Burns for the special election in PA-12 on May 18, 2010 to fill the United States Congressional seat of the late John Murtha. This special election is unique because on the same day, voters will cast two votes, one for the last eight months of Murtha’s unfulfilled term, and one in the primary competing for the Republican nomination for the November 2010 election.

After reading the following (gop-wants-party-unity-but-russels-not-budging-will-write-in-himself-for-special PA-12: Bill Russell seems like he just can't take a hint, despite the GOP uniting behind Tim Burns. Russell says he'll write himself in for the special election between Burns and Democrat Mark Critz, in addition to continuing to contest the same-day GOP primary against Burns.) on I posted a comment on Bill Russell's facebook page.

Evan Hecht(wrote) Bill Russell, we honor and respect your years of military service. We appreciate the campaign you ran in 2008 against John Murtha. But Bill, we cannot win PA-12 with a split ticket against Mark Critz. We respectfully ask that you stand united with Tim Burns so you can help us change this D seat into an R seat.

Bill Russell(replied) Hi Evan, The only race I am running in is the Primary and the November General Election. While I will always plan to vote for myself as the best candidate for any election in the 12th CD, I am not splitting any tickets. -- V/R Bill March 22 at 7:05pm

Let me be clear of why this qualifies as a MAJOR CAMPAIGN GAFFE. Doesn’t Russell know that voting for himself in the special election is tantamount to voting for Tim Burns’ Democratic opponent, Mark Critz? Doesn’t Russell know that elections can be won or lost by the slimmest of margins? The closest election in Congressional history was decided on September 16, 1975. The 1974 New Hampshire race for an open seat that pitted Republican Louis Wyman against Democrat John Durkin led to a contest that lasted eight months and came down to a margin of victory of just two votes.

Russell’s egotistical bragging that he would of course write in his name and vote for himself is a clear statement of his priorities. To him it is far more important that he thinks he is the best candidate than defeating the Democratic agenda that is socializing and bankrupting our country. His ego filled one vote could elect a Democrat and defeat Tim Burns, the Republican challenger.

Bill Russell’s Facebook page at the time of his reply had over 1000 fans, several who commented in Bill’s favor immediately following his reply to me. What if some of Russell’s Facebook friends follow his advertised “I am voting for myself even though I am not on the ballot” resulting in dozens or hundreds of votes that would possibly been cast in Tim Burns’ favor.

This special election is not a game. This election decides whether a Democrat or a Republican fills this seat for eight months. How much could the Republicans used just one more seat during Obama’s first 14 months. With one more seat maybe health care would have failed. With one more vote maybe immigration reform will fail. Maybe one more vote could defeat Cap & Trade or Card Check. One vote could determine one seat and determine major events in our country’s future. One cavalier thoughtless vote that Bill Russell boasts he will cast for himself could help to ruin our future.

Maybe Russell does not know that The Constitution grants the House several exclusive powers: the power to initiate revenue bills, to impeach officials, and to elect the President of the United States in case of an Electoral College deadlock. One vote in the election for one member of the House of Representatives could determine who is President in 2012 if there was a tie in the Electoral College.

Maybe Russell does not know that The House uses committees and their subcommittees for a variety of purposes, including the review of bills and the oversight of the executive branch. The appointment of committee members is formally made by the whole House, but the choice of members is actually made by the political parties. Generally, each party honors the preferences of individual members, giving priority on the basis of seniority. Historically, membership on committees has been in rough proportion to the party's strength in the House as a whole, with two exceptions: on the Rules Committee, the majority party fills nine of the thirteen seats. The rules committee that just played such an important role in the Democrats passing their health care legislation. One vote for one representative could determine the majority and determine the makeup of the rules committee.

Candidates can be judged in two ways: the positions they take on issues and the leadership qualities and experience they would bring to office. Both are important. Your first step in picking a candidate is to decide the issues you care about and the qualities you want in a leader.

I know that the qualities I look for in a candidate is someone who cares about representing the people, not representing himself by boasting that “I will always plan to vote for myself as the best candidate for any election in the 12th CD”.

Scripture reminds us "For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want" (Galatians 5:17). The battle is both inevitable and necessary for you to begin to experience spiritual freedom in your life.

Congratulations Bill Russell. You have earned the Facebook POLITICAL CAMPAIGN GAFFE of the year. At least that is one victory you will be able to claim on May 18th.


  1. Every one of us can make a difference, positive or negitive, it's our choice. We should all carefully consider the impact of our decisions.

  2. Bill Russell is what happens when a man thinks more highly of himself than he ought and is blinded by it.
