Monday, January 9, 2012

Harder to Remain an Optimist

It seems to get harder each day to remain an optimist. My real estate is worth less, taxes are going higher to pay for the national debt, the social security that I have paid into for 48 years may not be what was promised, class warfare is becoming dangerously close to civil unrest, radical Islamists are close to obtaining a nuclear weapon, Mexican drug lords have taken over our neighbor to the so...uth, less and less people are staying married and practicing their faith, and most important....our incompetent President Obama could be reelected to make things even worse if everyone that feels the way I do doesn't get off their ass and use their time and/or money to make certain he only resides in the whitehouse for just the next 12 months. Put that on your "Talking Points" O'Reilly, and Fox News use it as the debate platform for your upcoming GOP debate.

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